Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Joy is not feeling better...

Something is seriously wrong with me. Nothing from the notes is going into my brain and happy events are not making me feel, ehh, happy?

For the past hr I hv been pouring through Portfolio Management but all I can think abt is Math and when I pick up the Math past yr paper, my mind floats to Treasury Options which is TOMORROW! Which I really am worried but yet helpless bcoz somehow the paper always comes out far exceeding my expectations. Darn it!

Perhaps its the delayed period. Its making me feel weak and baby-like. Blame it on the moodswings! Argh! Much as I hate the blood, the cramps and the mess, by not coming, it is making my hormones go hay-wire and making me crave mcflurry at an astonishing rate. :(

And as my student life creeps closer and closer towards its end, I am feeling lost. Of course there are the obvious stuff like grad trip and a part-time job? But the uni acceptance letters hv not come. Not even those frm Australia where I was so confident.

But then I won the Fancl SMRT contest.. Maybe I will go and collect my prize tmr. The ipod touch hv also arrived but I don't know where Hill Street is.. Yes freebies, psycho me to be happy. :) at least what I got is not Fifi's 50 capsules of coffee!!! HOHO~! ;P

BD is *&%^)#@!

I hv a headache and I want a hug.


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